Top Electricians » Lighting
Lighting is an essential element to create the perfect ambiance and to highlight the dimensions of your home. It also serves the purpose of security and safety. This aspect is most often discounted in favor of the aesthetics but one should always remember that security and safety come first.
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Lighting Types
There are many types of lighting in the market today but they all fall into one of the 5 fundamental categories which are:
Traditional light fixtures
Track lights
Recessed lighting
Low voltage lighting
Outdoor lighting
Lighting Problems
Lighting, like all other electrical appliances and connections in your home sometimes do have problems that need to be attended to. They are quite simple if attended to on time by a professional electrical contractor.
Lights Do Not Switch On
Sometimes, lights have this nasty habit of not wanting to turn on when switched on. Well, this lighting problem needs to be approached in a very logical manner. Firstly, check if the bulb is bad. Try replacing the bulb. If the light still does not work don’t give up yet. Take a bulb from a fixture you know is working and try again. This way you can find out whether the problem is with the bulb or the fixture.
Worn Switches
Another problem that occurs quite regularly is with the switch. We don’t realize the wear and tear on our light switches. It might be a case of just having to replace the switch.
Broken Light Fixture
The light fixture could be broken in some instances. This is most often the least expensive repair you would have to do. You can repair light fixtures but please make sure you hire the services of a professional electrician to do so.
Power Surges
Sometimes power surges can also damage bulbs and or light fixtures. Most often power surges burn out light fixtures or even create short circuits that can pose quite a serious threat to your home. If your light switches or fixtures are acting up after a storm or a power surge, please contact a professional electrical contractor to conduct a thorough electrical inspection of your home.
Incorrect Time Setting
If you have a time clock for your lights, then make sure you check it regularly. Sometimes, lights do not come on if the time clock is set incorrectly or is broken. It can also be a problem with the photo-cell, if your light fixture is activated by it. A photocell is a very effective way to manage the use of power in your home. They need to be calibrated properly however, to manage the lighting scenario you have set up in your home.
Faulty Ballast
Fluorescent lights use something called a ballast to energize them. Ballast is also known as a control gear. This gear might need to be replaced if the bulb does not come on, or you hear a humming noise or get a sort of odor from the light.
Lights Don't Turn Off
Just as lights don’t want to turn on sometimes, they also don’t turn off sometimes. Check the switch, it might be broken. You might also want to check the time clock. Also, check the light fixture, there might be a short circuit.
Blinking Lights
Blinking lights is something that annoys all homeowners. Of course, check the photo-cell as it maybe out of adjustment. If the fixtures are on the ceiling, they generally come with a thermal protector so the lights tend to go on and off when it overheats. The best thing to do is to use a lower wattage bulb for these types of fixtures.
Burn Out Bulbs
You may also wonder sometimes why your bulbs burn out so quickly. One of the most common reasons for this is that the wattage of the bulb is too high for the light fixture. Make sure the fixture and the wattage of the bulb are always compatible. Or else, it can just be that the bulbs are of poor quality.
Dimming Lights
Some lights also have this strange behavior of suddenly dimming on their own and then coming back to normal. This can happen if the light is connect to the same wires that provide power to an appliance. The imbalance in the demand for power can make the light dim.
Most importantly you need to be aware of how your electrical appliances and lights function in your home. If you feel there is a problem then you must consult an electrician . It is also a good idea to have your house checked periodically.
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