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Top Electricians » Kansas » Shawnee

Electricians in Shawnee

Need to install a ceiling fan? You are only a click away from getting multiple quotes from electrical contractors in Shawnee, Kansas. Here you can find electrical technicians serving 457.20 housing units per square miles of Shawnee. 50,396 inhabitants of Shawnee are having electricians quote their project by submitting their job requests here. It's easy, fast, and totally free. 19,086 housing units in Shawnee are employing local electricians for the following services:

If it works for the 1 inhabitants per sq mi of Shawnee, maybe its time you try it too?

Electrical Costs in Shawnee

The following electrical repairs costs table is the result of a nationwide survey that took place in 2017. Naturally, there might be a slight difference between one electrician to another, and between the rates in Shawnee and any other location in KS. However, you can use this table as a general guideline when asking for an electrical quote from an electrician in Shawnee. Remember: the most accurate evaluation of the electrical repair scope can be made by the electrician who sees and "feels" the electrical problem to its depth at your location.
The following table relates to electricians labor rates only, and is calculated based on the hourly electrician cost in Shawnee, KS and the average time required for each job:

Electrical repairs & installations prices:
Electrical Job RequiredCost Range
Pendant Lighting Installation$191 - $273
Bathroom Fan Installation$159 - $424
Ceiling Fan Installation$258 - $412
Ceiling Light Fixture Installation$120 - $336
Ceiling Speakers Installation$170 - $267
Computer Network Wiring Installation$611 - $940
Doorbell Installation$161 - $246
Electric Baseboard Heater Installation$182 - $287
Electrical Outlet Installation$179 - $255
Electrical Receptacle Installation$202 - $278
Wiring$198 - $248
GFCI Circuit Breaker Installation$162 - $243
GFCI Outlet Installation$345 - $477
Home Alarm Installation$315 - $608
Home Security System Installation$412 - $670
Home Theater Projector Installation$432 - $672
Home Theater Speakers Installation$155 - $283
Home Theater System Installation$432 - $1,026
Home Theater Wiring$416 - $676
Intercom System Installation$882 - $1,176
Install Light Switch$105 - $171
Lighting Fixture Installation$166 - $238
Low Voltage Lighting Installation$220 - $275
Install an Oven$158 - $242
Surface Mounted Lighting Installation$196 - $245
Telephone Jack Installation$64 - $170
Thermostat Installation$240 - $327
Track Lighting Installation$380 - $475
Under Cabinet Lighting Installation$180 - $225
Wall Lighting Installation$206 - $258
Wall Mounted Lighting Installation$182 - $228
Wall Outlet Installation$218 - $273
Wall Sconce Installation$196 - $245
Aluminum Wiring Repair$260 - $312
Replace Bathroom Fan$143 - $309
Replace Built-In Refrigerator$105 - $189
Electric Switch Replacement$136 - $245
Electrical Outlet Replacement$182 - $273
Replace Electrical Plug$214 - $321
Microwave Oven Replacement$80 - $150
Replace Range$82 - $185
Replace Receptacle$95 - $261
Switch Plates Replacement$78 - $116
Thermostat Replacement$248 - $322
Replace Trash Compactor$96 - $178
Vent Hood Replacement$108 - $252
Low Voltage Deck Lighting - Install$186 - $371
Low Voltage Deck Post Lighting Installation$165 - $330
Install Low Voltage Deck Stair Lighting$227 - $432
Install Low Voltage Outdoor Lighting$198 - $416
Outdoor Landscape Lighting Installation$245 - $392
Outdoor Lighting Install$138 - $230
Outdoor Receptacle Installation$137 - $263
Install Outdoor Speakers$243 - $388
Path Lighting Installation$268 - $428
Solar Lighting Install$110 - $184
Appliance Circuit - Install$391 - $512
Install Can Lighting$212 - $265
Ceiling Outlet Box Installation$320 - $388
Circuit Breaker Install$651 - $791
Electrical Service Panel Installation$1,078 - $1,274
Electrical Sub-Panel - Install$842 - $990
Install Lighting Circuit$455 - $592
Install Lighting Control System$2,650 - $3,392
Install Recessed Lighting$184 - $253
Remodel Electrical Box$825 - $970
Re-Wire Electrical Circuit$404 - $556
Re-Wire Home$3,150 - $4,050
Re-Wire Kitchen$1,176 - $1,470
Upgrade Electrical Service Panel$873 - $1,067

Free Electrical Quotes in Shawnee

Need a quote from a local electrician in Shawnee?
Call us now, or fill in the form and get electrical quotes in Shawnee from up to four local professional & recommended electricians.
When asking for an electrical estimate, make sure you get a complete offer in which the electrician details all parts of the offer, including the labor, supplies & materials and if possible, an estimate regarding the number of hours / days needed to complete the job.
Receiving all of this information will enable you to compare rates with other electricians in Shawnee that offer their services for the same project.

Services area covers the following zip codes in Shawnee:
66402, 66409, 66420, 66533, 66539, 66542, 66546, 66601, 66603, 66604, 66605, 66606, 66607, 66608, 66609, 66610, 66611, 66612, 66614, 66615, 66616, 66617, 66618, 66619, 66620, 66621, 66622, 66624, 66625, 66626, 66628, 66629, 66634, 66636, 66637, 66638, 66642, 66647, 66652, 66653, 66658, 66667, 66675, 66683, 66686, 66692, 66699

Recent Job Requests

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